Samstag war eine tolle Erfahrung, aber stressig. Die Schülern, Tobias und ich haben früh aufgewacht, und mit einen Zug nach München gefahren. Als wir in Lindau umgestiegen haben, gab kein mehr Sitzplatz auf dem Zug. Von Lindau bis München sind wir alle in dem Cafe-Zug gesetzt und dann zurück von München bis Lindau sind wir alle in dem Fahrrad platzt gesetzt. Wir haben dass gemacht, weil wir ein Schönes-Wochenende Ticket gekauft haben, und so wir konnten kein Sitzplatz reservieren. Es war nur Pech, weil wir alle schlaffen möchten. Aber Trotzdem war München toll! Wir haben dem Olympiaturm gesiegt und dann in Gruppen geteilt. Eine Gruppe ist zu dem BMV Mesum gegangen, ein andre Einkaufen gegangen, und dann meine Gruppe ist durch die Stadt gelaufen, haben ein Bier getrunken und ein Veggie-Burger bei McDonalds gegessen (ich war überacht dass es gut geschmeckt hat). Ich habe nicht genug Geld mitgebracht um etwas zu kaufen, aber ich habe viele Fotos gemacht!
Dann am Sonntag hat Fußball und Tanzcamp angefangen. Alle sind angekommen und alle die Fußballern und ein Tänzerin haben Fußball gespielt. Eine Mädchen hat Heimweh, aber ich glaube es geht ihr besser jetzt. Es dauert bevor alle die Jungs schlaffen, aber ich glaube alle haben Spaß! Obwohl die Jungs nerven manchmal, das Camp gefehlt mir besser als in die Schule zu arbeiten, aber ich glaube es ist, weil es Ähnlich zu mein früher Job mit dem Pfadfinders ist. Dann Gesternabend habe ich frei gehabt, so ich bin mit die andre Tutorinnen und Tobis Freunden von bevor in die Tankstelle gegangen. Wir haben alle zusammen geredet, und dann spät nach Hause gekommen. Ich mache dieses Post fertig mit ein paar Fotos. Bis mein nächste Pause!
This last week has been pretty cool. Sunday and Monday evening I went with the students to the Hausherrenfest and there I saw the most people that I have ever seen in Radolfzell. Every evening we ended up danceing on the Stage to music from the 1960- today. Then on Tuesday we had lots of students sign up to to bowling (the most that have signed up for an event since I have been here) so that was exciting and stressfull getting everyone to listen and follow the rules, but I still enjoyed it. Then on Wednesday I went back to the court house to try and get my residence title, unfortunely I still needed a paper so I had to go back on Thursday (also to drop off another persons residence permit) but the line was too long, so I got to go back again on Friday morning where everything finally got sorted out and now I have some funky pages in my passport that say I am allowed to be in Germany! In the meanwhile I got the afternoon off on Wednesday and got a chance to catch up on my sleep. Unfortunately no students came to Stammtisch, so I ended up chilling with Tobias and some of his friends, which was cool because I got a chance to practice my German with real Germans (that are around my age) for a bit. Then on Thrusday none of the students wanted to go to the beach, so I went with some of the tutors and the camp kids. After getting done at the courthouse on Friday I helped a bit with some of the stuff around the school and then I got lunch with the camp kids and then went canoeing with the camp kids and some of the students at the school. Afterwards I hung out with the camp kids, did laundry and went to bed.
Saturday was a little stressful but it was also a cool experience. The students, Tobias and myself woke up early and caught a train to Munich (changing trains in Lindau). The train from Lindau to Munich and back were packed so on the train to Munich we were sitting in the cafe car and on the way back we were sitting in the bike section on the floor. This was because we had just bought a group ticket which does not included a seat assignment. It was only bad because all of us were so tired that we just wanted to sleep, which was harder to do on the floor or in the cafe car. Other than that we climbed the Olympiad tower and then split off into groups. Some went to the BMW museum, others went shopping and then my group walked around the sites in the city and then stopped for a beer and then McDonald's veggie burgers (which was surprisingly very tasty). I didn't bring enough money to buy anything, but I took lots of photos!
Then soccer and dance camps started on Sunday. All of the kids arrived and the football boys and one of the dance girls just played soccer the whole time. We had one girl that was very home sick, but she seems to be doing better. It took the boys a while to quiet down for bed, but everyone seems to be enjoying themselves and getting into the swing of things. I must admit that even though the boys can be troublesome I am enjoying it a bit more than working in the school, which is probably because it is more similar to working at boy scout camp. Then last night I had off, so I went out with some of the tutors and Tobis friends to the Tankstelle and we all just sat around and talked. I will finish this post with Pictures! Till my next day off!
von dem Olympiaturm |
echte München Bier |
Alte Rathaus |
am Strand chillen |